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Read Our Top 10 Business and Real Estate Blogs in 2023
At The Elliot Legal Group, P.A., we strive to provide helpful information about legal issues that may affect our clients, including concerns related to business law and real estate. Our attorney works with many different types of businesses in the United States and internationally, and our firm has a wealth of knowledge and experience addressing concerns that affect business owners and providing representation in litigation. We published blogs on a wide variety of topics in 2023, and our most popular blogs included:
Can a Florida HOA Foreclose on a Home for Unpaid Fees? - Homeowner associations (HOAs) have a variety of options for collecting fees that are used to address issues related to maintenance, repairs, or other community expenses. Homeowners who fail to pay fees as required could potentially face liens against their properties and even foreclosure. Our firm provides representation in these situations, helping homeowners determine their options for avoiding foreclosure.
When Is Injunctive Relief Available in a Breach of Contract Case? - During the litigation of a contract dispute, a party may ask the court to issue an injunction preventing the other party from taking certain actions. We look at the requirements that will need to be met to receive injunctive relief.
Can Employment Contracts Include Non-Disparagement Agreements? - Employment contracts may include a variety of terms that are meant to protect the rights of an employer. We look at terms that could potentially be included in a contract that would prevent an employee from making any statements that could harm the reputation of an employer or former employer.
Important Information About Filing a Mechanic’s Lien in Florida - Contractors, subcontractors, or suppliers may be able to use mechanic’s liens to recover payments owed to them. We look at how these liens may be used and discuss when and how they may be filed.
Do I Need a Florida Business Attorney to Help Respond to a Cease and Desist Letter? - A business may receive a notice claiming that it has engaged in some form of wrongdoing and instructing it to stop these actions. We look at what types of wrongdoing may be addressed by these letters and how a business should respond.
How Can Florida’s Homestead Exemption Benefit Me? - In bankruptcy and foreclosure cases, the homestead exemption in Florida may allow a debtor to ensure that their home will not be subject to liquidation. We look at how this exemption can benefit homeowners who are planning to file for bankruptcy.
What Are the Possible Remedies for a Breach of Fiduciary Duty? - During business litigation, a party may be accused of violating their duty to protect the financial interests of others, including business partners or shareholders. This blog looks at what steps may be taken to address these types of breaches.
How Can Force Majeure Get Me Out of My Florida Contract? - “Force majeure” is a principle that may allow a party to claim that they cannot fulfill the terms of a contract due to issues that are beyond their control, such as natural disasters. We look at the role that this issue may play in contract disputes.
Which Business Structure Works Best for My Florida Business? - This blog reviews the different ways a business may be structured while providing information about the benefits and drawbacks of different options and the tax advantages of pass-through entities.
Can I Sue My Florida Business Partner for a Breach of Contract? - This blog looks at a few situations where litigation may be necessary to address violations of a partnership agreement or other contracts by a business partner.
Contact Our Broward County, FL Business Law Attorney
If you have any questions about the topics addressed in these blogs or other issues that may affect you as a business owner or property owner, we encourage you to reach out to The Elliot Legal Group, P.A. for legal help. Our Fort Lauderdale, FL real estate and business lawyer can advise you on the best ways to resolve your concerns, and we can also provide you with representation during litigation or when addressing other legal issues. Contact us today at 754-332-2101 to schedule a consultation.